Thursday, September 1, 2011

BlytheConUK 2011 Raffle Necklaces

These past couple weeks I have been planning and making Blythe Necklaces for BlytheConUK in London. I can't believe it's just a month away now--wow! I'm still not even sure how many girls to bring--3 for sure, but maybe more... And Jim & I are still planning what to do on our other days...the Tower of London for sure...we didn't get there last trip. And maybe some shopping, as I didn't hit a few stores last time due to very sore feet. I need to plan better this time! Of course we'll head back to the British Museum. I think we'll also try to get to the Templar Church, and...and..I'm not sure! At least I've got my raffle pledge done and ready to mail! :)